투고한 논문들 (학회, 학회지) 등을 포함한 여러 저술 실적들과 관련된 내용입니다.
Journal (International)
- Joonhee Jo, Gyunghoon Park, Yonghwan Oh, “Robust Walking Stabilization Strategy of Humanoid Robots on Uneven Terrain via QP-based Impedance/Admittance Control,” Robotics and Autonomous Robot (RAS), Under revision, 2021.
Conference (International)
Joonhee Jo, Gyunghoon Park, Yonghwan Oh, “Robust Landing Stabilization of Humanoid Robot on Uneven Terrain via Admittance Control and Heel Strike Motion,” International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), pp.2994–3000, 2021.
Joonhee Jo, Yonghwan Oh, “Impedance Control of Humanoid Walking on Uneven Terrain With Centroidal Momentum Dynamics Using Quadratic Programming,” International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), pp.3525–3530, 2020.
Gyunghoon Park, Jung Hoon Kim, Joonhee Jo, Yonghwan Oh, “Lyapunov-based Approach to Reactive Step Generation for Push Recovery of Biped Robots via Hybrid Tracking Control of DCM,” International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), pp.3504–3509, 2020.
Joonhee Jo, Yonghwan Oh, “Contact Force based Balancing and Tracking Control of a Ballbot using Projected Task Space Dynamics with Inequality Constraints,” International Conference on Ubiquitous Robots (UR), pp.118–123, 2020.
Seungjae Yoo, Joonhee Jo, Yonghwan Oh, “A Comparison Study on Coupling Effects in Balance Control Methods of Humanoid Robots through an Extended Task Space Formulation,” International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics (ICINCO), pp.206–213, 2019.
Dong-hyun Lee, Sungmoon Hur, Joonhee Jo, Yonghwan Oh, “Whole-body Control of Upper-body Robot for Picking up a heavy object,” International Conference on Mechatronics Technology (ICMT), 2015.
Joonhee Jo, DongHyun Lee, Duc Trong Tran, Yonghwan Oh, “An On-line Gravity Estimation Method using Inverse Gravity Regressor for Robot Manipulator Control,” Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), pp.5429–5434, 2015.
Sung-moon Hur, Joonhee Jo, Yonghwan Oh, “Task-Space Torque Controller Based on Time-Delay Control,” International Conference on Autonomic and Autonomous Systems (ICAS), 2015.
Sung-Kyun Kim, Joonhee Jo, and Yonghwan Oh, “Robotic handwriting: Multi-contact manipulation based on Reactional Internal Contact Hypothesis,” IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), pp.877–884, 2014.
Joonhee Jo, Sung-Kyun Kim, Yonghwan Oh, Sang-Rok Oh, “Grasping Force Control of a Robotic Hand based on a Torque-Velocity Transformation Using F/T Sensors with Gravity Compensation,” Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (IECON), 2013.
Joonhee Jo, Sung-Kyun Kim, Yonghwan Oh, Sang-Rok Oh, “Strategy of internal force design without object com information,” International Conference on Ubiquitous Robots and Ambient Intelligence (URAI), 2013.
Joonhee Jo, S.-K. Kim, Yonghwan Oh, Sang-Rok Oh, “Contact Force Control of a Robotic Hand Using F/T Sensory Feedback with a Rigid Object,” IEEE International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering (CASE), pp.432–437, 2012.
S.-K. Kim, Joonhee Jo, Yonghwan Oh, Sang-Rok Oh, “Development of a Multi-fingered Robotic Hand and Its Compliance Control using F/T Sensors at Fingertips,” International Conference on Mechatronics Technology (ICMT), pp.483–488, 2011.
Joonhee Jo, S.-K. Kim, Yonghwan Oh, Sang-Rok Oh, “Compliance Control of a Position Controlled Robotic Hand Using F/T Sensor,” International Conference on Ubiquitous Robots and Ambient Intelligence (URAI), pp.446–450, 2011.
Conference (Domestic, Republic of Korea)
조준희, 이동현, 오용환, “전신 균형을 유지하는 상반신 양팔로봇의 직접교시 제어”, 제31회 제어로봇시스템학회 학술대회 (ICROS), pp.306–307, 2016.
조준희, 김성균, 오용환, “다자유도 인간형 로봇 손을 이용한 물체의 안정적인 파지를 위한 방법 및 내력 제어”, 제8회 한국로봇종합학술대회, pp.51–52, 2013.
류광현, 오용환, 조준희, “상반신 양팔 로봇의 무게 중심 및 매니퓰레이터 제어”, 제7회 한국로봇종합학술대회, 2012.
조준희, 김성균, 오용환, “힘-토크 센서의 되먹임을 이용한 인간형 로봇손 3 지의 파지력 제어”, 제7회 한국로봇종합학술대회, pp.65–67, 2012.
Patent (Domestic, Republic of Korea)
- 김성균, 조준희, 오용환, “로봇 핸드의 파지력 제어 시스템 및 방법”, 등록번호: 10-1323217.
조준희, 오용환, “영공간으로 투영된 작업 공간을 활용한 볼봇의 자세 균형 제어 방법 및 이를 이용하는 제어 시스템”, 출원번호: 2020-0140151
조준희, 오용환, “확장 작업 공간을 활용한 휴머노이드 제어방법”, 출원번호: 2019-0136502
조준희, 오용환, “최소 영공간 작업의 매개변수화 방법”, 출원번호: 2019-0124496
Program Patent (Domestic, Republic of Korea)
조준희, 오용환, “Velocity moded robot 을 위한 폐루프 역기구학”, Domestic: 2011-01-129-008324
조준희, 오용환, “PDO3을 통한 Torque와 Current의 로봇 안정도 판별 시스템”, Domestic: 2011-01-129-008323
조준희, 오용환, 김성균, “Robotic hand를 이용한 병뚜껑 manipulation”, Domestic: 2011-01-129-008322
조준희, 오용환, 김성균, “PDO setting을 통한 실시간 velocity moded Robotic hand 제어”, Domestic: 2011-01-129-008321
조준희, 오용환, 김성균, “로봇 손 운영 프로그램”, Domestic: 2011-01-129-008320
김성균, 오용환, 조준희, “F/T 센서 자율 캘리브레이션 프로그램”, Domestic: 2011-01-129-008314.